Rewards, for me?

Yes, get rewarded when you shop and stay up to date with all things Pour Moi. Join Club Pour Moi and start earning points, the more points you earn, the better then benefits! What’s not to love?

Already have an account? You’re automatically signed up!
Log in to see your progress.

Our loyalty program is much like our lingerie and swimwear - designed with you in mind. Earn points and gain access to exclusive treats and vouchers. Simply create an account with us and reap the rewards!
Our loyalty program is much like our lingerie and swimwear - designed with you in mind. Earn points and gain access to exclusive treats and vouchers. Simply create an account with us and reap the rewards!

How It Works



Join Club Pour Moi and start earning points, from the point of signing up.



Get points every time you shop, share and stay up to date with us.


live it up

Get access to all your benefits automatically. The more you earn the better your benefits!

Key Benefits

Ways To Earn

Sign up to our emails

Sign up to our emails

20 points

Add your preferences

Add your preferences

20 points

Add your birthday

Add your birthday

20 points

Enter our social polls

Enter our social polls

20 points

Share your experience on surveys

Share your experience on surveys

20 points

Leave a review

Leave a review (1 per order)

30 points

Make a purchase

Make a purchase

30 points

Purchase over £100

Purchase over £100

40 points

Refer a friend

Refer a friend (successfully)

50 points

VIPs Get More Rewards

10% OFF first order
Refer a friend offers
Birthday gift
Bonus points events
Gift voucher for upgrade
In-store events
FREE gifts
Advocacy opportunity
Tier 01
Unlocked at sign up
Tier 02
chic chérie
Unlocked at 50 points
Tier 03
luxe lover
Unlocked at 150 points
Tier 04
glam goddess
Unlocked at 300 points

Refer A Friend


I have an account am I automatically enrolled?
Yes, anyone with an existing account will already be a loyalty customer. For any actions that are one time only (such as adding your DOB or liking us on socials) will already be accredited to your loyalty account and the points will be visible, placing you in your starting tier. Purchases points will only be added post the launch of the loyalty programme on 01/02/2025 and not back dated.
Do I have to be logged in to receive points?
To be able to see, redeem and add points from any actions on the website then you will need to be logged in for it to be connected back to your account. Any other actions that are off our website will be connected via your email address.
I am having problems logging into my account
Make sure you are using the same email address and password you registered with. If you have checked this and are still having problems, you can re-set your password using the forgotten your password link here.
How do I view my points and rewards?
Your points can be viewed as soon as you login to your account under the 'Loyalty Rewards & Benefits' section. It will also have a breakdown of how many points you are away from moving to the next tier. Any rewards or vouchers will be displayed here too ready to add at the checkout.
When will I receive my points?
After an order it will take 35 days for your points to apply to your account. If you return all items then you will not receive any points. Points from reviews can take up to 7 days to be added to your account. For any other actions all points will be automatically added and display within 24 hours.
Are the points worth pounds?
Our points equate to benefits and allow you access to more areas of Pour Moi. You will receive a voucher on your birthday (if you have your DOB in your account) and for upgrading to the Luxe Lover or Glam Goddess tiers, it's our way of saying thank you for being a VIP.
How do I move between tiers?
The only way you can move up to is by earning more points which you'll get when complete one of the actions such as placing an order or following us on socials. The more you stay up to date with us, the more points you'll earn.
How do I qualify for each tier?
Each tier has a minimum number of points as a requirement and to become our highest tier you have to have placed multiple orders with us. Please see below for a breakdown for each tier.
    'Member' tier terms:
  • Have an account
    'Chic Chérie' tier terms:
  • Have an account
  • 50 Points (from any of the listed actions)
    'Luxe Lover' tier terms:
  • Have an account
  • 150 Points (from any of the listed actions)
  • Must have made at least 1 purchase
    'Glam Goddess' tier terms:
  • Have an account
  • 300 Points (from any of the listed actions)
  • Must have made at least 3 purchases
Is there a limit to the number of points I can earn?
No, go ahead and earn as many as you can! Some actions are one time only these include signing up, adding preferences and your birthday and connecting on our socials.
What are the expiry of points?
Points expire after 12 months So if you don’t engage enough in that time, you’ll automatically have the oldest points removed. You can find out the date your tier will expire in your account. Your membership won’t expire as long as you earn your points each year.
I have a voucher but have forgotten my code
Don't worry! Head to your account and under the 'Loyalty Rewards & Benefits' section there will list any offers you have, where you will be able to add this directly at the checkout without having to copy and paste any code.
Can I save my vouchers to use together?
Our vouchers have the same terms and conditions as our discount codes and only one can be applied at a time to an order. For full Terms and Conditions for each voucher please see here.
I used a voucher and then returned my order, will I get my voucher back?
Unfortunately, this will not be accredited back to your account if you return your full order. If you had an issue with your order and are returning to re-order, please reach out to our friendly Customer Service team who will be able to help.
What happens if I return my order?
If you have returned your full order then you will not receive any points. If you have kept at least one item from your order you will still receive the points for your order, these are applied after 35 days of your order date.
Any other questions?
We are always dedicated to make your online shopping experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible. That's why our friendly team are here to assist with any queries regarding an order, our products, or our website. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us at [email protected] or by using the form on our Contact Us page.

For full Terms and Conditions for loyalty and redeemable vouchers please see here.