The World’s AI-Deal Partners

AI technology depicts what people find most attractive from their romantic partners

When it comes to finding your life partner, getting out onto the dating scene can be really exciting - from thrilling first dates to picking out some sexy lingerie for a flirty night in with your new beau - there’s lots to look forward to. But when it comes to finding your ideal significant other, what do people actually look for? 

We were curious to find out what people from around the world find to be the most sexually appealing qualities and physical traits in a potential partner, so we conducted a global survey to unearth what this might look like. 

To bring the worldwide results to life, we used AI technology to help visualise what the ‘ideal’ man and woman from each of the nations we surveyed might look like. You can find the results below…

Most Attractive Physical Traits

When it comes to physical traits, we surveyed people from eight nations to find out what they find to be the most attractive. From facial features including freckles, beards and chiselled cheekbones to which eye colours they find themselves falling for the most, the traits vary from nation to nation.


What AI thinks Australians look for in their romantic partners

Australian Men: Some of the most attractive features listed by those who are attracted to men include having messy curly hair, a friendly face, and dark brown eyes.  

Australian Women: Some of the most attractive features of Australian women were having blonde curly hair, freckles, kind blue eyes and natural makeup.


What AI thinks Canadians look for in their romantic partners

Canadian Men: In Canada, the top attractive features for men include dark eyes, dark brown hair, a beard or stubble, and neck tattoos and piercings. 

Canadian Women: Meanwhile, for those in Canada who are attracted to women, the top attractive features include having long black blow-dried hair, friendly blue eyes, big lips and natural makeup.


What AI thinks the French look for in their romantic partners

French Men: Some of the top features making French men more attractive include facial hair, a moustache, wrinkles (particularly crow's feet), gentle brown eyes and dark hair. 

French Women: Some of the top features that make French women more attractive include light blonde hair with bangs, big blue eyes, soft facial features, and big lips.


What AI thinks Indians look for in their romantic partners

Indian Men: In India, the most attractive features in a man include a round and friendly face, short brown hair, and warm brown eyes. 

Indian Women: The top most attractive features of Indian women are having a round face, sharp nose, minimal makeup and long dark hair.


What AI thinks Italians look for in their romantic partners

Italian Men: For Italian men, light brown messy hair, kind green eyes, and tattoos came out on top as the most attractive features.

Italian Women: The most attractive features of Italian women are their brown bobs, hazel eyes, ear piercings, and striking red lipstick.

South Africa

What AI thinks South Africans look for in their romantic partners

South African Men: In South Africa, those attracted to men said the most appealing features include having a buzz cut, warm eyes, big lips and facial piercings. 

South African Women: The most attractive features for women, according to those in South Africa who are sexually attracted to women, include long black wavy hair, brown fox eyes, and soft makeup.

United Kingdom

What AI thinks people from the United Kingdom look for in their romantic partners

British Men: When it comes to British men, short curly hair, a square jaw, facial hair and being tall are listed among the most attractive features

British Women: The most sexually attractive features that British women can have are honey-sun kissed long hair, kind brown eyes and light brown skin, according to those in the UK who are attracted to women.

United States of America

What AI thinks people from the United States of America look for in their romantic partners

American Men: Attractive features of an American man include having green hazel eyes, a defined jaw and facial stubble. 

American Women: Kind blue eyes, dark hair and a round face with freckles are revealed as the most appealing physical traits for those who fancy American women.

The Hottest Personality Traits

As the old saying goes, ‘it’s what is on the inside that counts,’ as personality traits and mannerisms can be a huge turn-on, too. Whether it’s their drive, loyalty, or how they make you feel - there is so much more than just ‘looks’ to making someone attractive. To understand more about what people are looking for, we surveyed 2,000 adults asking them which qualities and features they find the hottest.

The survey revealed that having a good sense of humour was the top trait that people found to be the most sexually attractive in a partner, with almost two-thirds (60%) saying that it’s among the most important qualities when dating. Whether it’s having good banter or being able to make you laugh with an inside joke, someone who you can rely on to make light of a situation and make you belly laugh is a popular trait.

Ranking second was thoughtfulness, with almost half (49%) finding this attractive. This could be having someone who does all the small things, like making you your favourite hot drink in the morning, or surprising you with gifts that they know you’ll love - being thoughtful can be a major turn-on for people. Seeing your partner’s thoughtfulness playing out to others around you might also be a major green flag  - just by knowing they’re a kind caring person.

Being intelligent was the third most attractive trait, with 28% of those surveyed finding this to be sexy. Being able to engage in stimulating conversation about a range of topics or being safe in the knowledge that your partner can handle lots of different situations is something people would love to have in a relationship.

One in four say that looks are among the top things they look for, and rounding off the top five is scent and smell, with 17% saying that a good-smelling perfume or aftershave is something they would find attractive.

When it comes to those aged 25 - 34 years old looking for their perfect partner, a few qualities stand out more than older generations. Having a good dress sense, and wearing a good scent is something younger daters find appealing in a romantic partner. Actions also speak louder than words for people in this age bracket, with over one in five (21%) placing this as a quality they find sexy, as well as their potential partner ‘taking control’ and being ‘proactive’.

The older generations prefer traits such as ‘thoughtfulness’ with over half of those aged 55+ placing this as one of the main traits they find sexy in a partner, and having a ‘good sense of humour’. Having a partner who thinks about the little things is clearly something that people find attractive.

The most sexually attractive traits in a romantic partner

  1. Sense of humour (60%)

  2. Thoughtfulness (49%)

  3. Intelligence (28%)

  4. Looks (25%)

  5. Scent/ smell (17%)

  6. Actions (16%)

  7. Mannerisms (15%)

  8. Dress sense or style (11%)

  9. Voice/ Accent (10%)

  10. Height (10%)

  11. Proactiveness (7%) 

  12. Taking control (6%)

  13. Having money or their financial situation (5%)

  14. Job/ Career (4%)

If you’re yet to find your ideal partner, then it could be time to treat yourself to some sexy lingerie and get yourself out on the dating scene - where you never know who you might fall in love with.


Data correct as of July 2024. 

A survey of over 3,000 global participants was conducted to reveal which physical traits people find attractive, as well as the things people find the most sexually attractive in a romantic partner. 

AI images were created using Midjourney.

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